Calling all makers and crafty people!
Creative Spark is a space for like minded people to get together and make connections over crafty projects.
Hosted by our resident artists Barbara Hellowell and Jane Wilson you are invited to bring along your latest project for a bit of company, chat and creative musings over a coffee or tea.
Happening every Wednesday 2pm-4pm, this is a free event taking place in The Gallery.
No need to book, just turn up!
Our Gallery is located on the first floor above our bar. Just head up the spiral staircase! There is also lift access to our first floor. For more information on access please call 01484 430528.
The Gallery
120 minutes
About Barbara Hellowell
Barbara Hellowell is a Resident Artist at Lawrence Batley Theatre.
Barbara works with dynamic shapes and lines to suggest movement in an aim to illustrate the interaction of a moving object with the space that surrounds it. Her inspirations are the natural world and human interactivity.
Barbara’s work is the product of her imagination which complements the varied scope of the theatre.
Find out more about Barbara and our other Resident Artists here.
About Jane Wilson
Jane has been a Resident Artist at the Lawrence Batley Theatre since 2018.
She is a mixed media artist and enjoys the opportunity to immerse herself in a wide range of creative practices. Jane’s inspiration comes from an eclectic mix of interests, particularly science, with a fascination for quantum physics, astronomy, a love of philosophy and a general thirst for knowledge.
Find out more about Jane and our other Resident Artists here.