Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me heads to Australia & across the UK
2023 February 9We are thrilled to announce that Lawrence Batley Theatre co-production Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me is headed to Australia.
Following an incredibly successful run at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2022, the show is the recipient of the Holden Street Theatre’s Edinburgh Award, judged by a panel of industry experts and selected for a 30-performance run at the Adelaide Fringe in Australia from Fri 17 February – Sun 19 March 2023. Holden Street Theatres’ Edinburgh Fringe award is in its 15th year & has toured only the best of the best of the Edinburgh Fringe to the 'Home Of Theatre' in South Australia.
Written and directed by the award winning Philip Stokes and starring his 19 year old son Jack Stokes, Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me is the darkly hilarious and moving story of a strange boy called Daniel Valentine, the ultimate superfan whose life has been devoted to his two favourite things, Jesus... and Yorkshire diva Jane McDonald. Daniel's mother is a superfan too, but one day her actions cause it all to go horribly wrong.
Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me is a powerful piece of new writing and a twisted coming-of-age story about how hard growing up can be when you're a little bit 'different'. Exploring idolisation, young people's mental health and the dynamic between mother and son, Jesus, Jane, Mother & Me a tragicomedy full of Northern heart and emotional grit.
We are also exceptionally pleased to announce that the show, produced by KETCHUP Productions, Richard Jordan Productions and Lawrence Batley Theatre, has received Arts Council England funding to tour across the UK in Spring 2023. This UK tour will be heading to:
Jersey Arts Centre
Mon 17 - Tue 18 April
artscentre.je | (01534) 700444
The Mill Arts Centre, Banbury
Thu 20 April
themillartscentre.co.uk | 01295 279002
Pleasance London
Wed 26 - Sat 29 April
pleasance.co.uk | 0207 609 1800
Rotherham Civic Theatre
Thu 4 May
rotherhamtheatres.co.uk | 01709 823621
Hull Truck Theatre
Wed 10 May
hulltruck.co.uk | 01482 323638
Waterside, Sale
Fri 19 May
watersidearts.org | 0161 912 5616
Carriageworks Theatre, Leeds
Thu 25 - Fri 26 May
carriageworkstheatre.co.uk | 0113 376 0318
The Old Electric, Blackpool
Fri 2 June
theoldelectric.co.uk | 01253 834 175
The Viaduct Theatre, Halifax
Fri 16 - Sat 17 June
theviaducttheatre.co.uk | 01422 849227
Theatre Royal Plymouth
Tue 20 - Sat 24 June
theatreroyal.com | 01752 267222
Becky Atkinson, Chief Executive of Lawrence Batley Theatre said "I am incredibly proud of our involvement with this production and the success it has had. It’s a phenomenal show with real Northern heart, an outstanding performance from a young actor and a dedicated team behind it. This marks the first time a Lawrence Batley Theatre co-production has toured internationally. We are thrilled to be able to share this uniquely British story with a national and international audience and showcase the quality of work coming out of West Yorkshire."
Ryan Hogan, Producer at KETCHUP Productions said "As an emerging company based in Yorkshire, we’re thrilled at the success of our first fully produced production. KETCHUP are passionate about creating work with artists based in the North of England who want to make performance that is bold, brave and boundary-pushing. The support from Lawrence Batley Theatre has been invaluable in making that vision a reality and helping start our journey. We now can’t wait to share it with the world!”